A complete holistic methodology to support your clients in their healing

Yothera Method offersĀ helping and healing professionals a new approach to their work, that changes the whole perspective of what it means to seek therapy in the first place.

Traditional therapy teaches us to work with the mind alone -- with little to no acknowledgement of the body, soul, or intuition of the individual. With such a narrow perspective, we are not truly being of best service to ourselves and those we work with.

Helping and healing professionals who receive training and implement the Yothera Method in their work, feel more authentic to express their own unique talents and gifts with clients, as well as support their clients in doing the same in their own lives.


Yothera Method supports you in implementing a more holistic approach in your profession, to decrease burn out and compassion fatigue, and increase joy, playfulness, intuition, and authenticity into your unique service in the world.


The Yothera Method Facilitator Training Program

For first dibs on the Training Program that begins Fall 2024, please sign up below.

Designed to offer therapists and helping professionals a totally new way to empower and express themselves within their profession, as well as learning a new way to empower their clients beyond talk therapy alone.

The Yothera Method frees individuals from the deeply-rooted, unconscious patterns that inhibit them from living their most authentic life, and feeling truly alive. It gives them full access to their unique gifts, aligns them with their purpose, and supports them in their most authentic self expression.

Yothera Method Facilitator Training is for:

  • Therapists and helping professionals who are committed to inner-personal development and holistic healing, and also committed to supporting their clients through a similar journey
  • Therapists who have tried traditional therapy approaches but feel there is something missing for them, and seek a more authentic and holistic approach to their work
  • Therapists who have tried traditional therapy approaches but feel there is something missing for them, and seek a more authentic and holistic approach to their work
  • Therapists who are open to trying a new method of therapy that involves more of the subconscious mind, body, spirit, and developing their own intuition, as well as encouraging their clients to do the same.

Personal and Professional Mentorships

One-on-OneĀ Mentorship for Helping / Healing Professionals

Using a combination of quantum/energetic healing, accessing higher Self, Brainspotting, Internal Family Systems, Yoga Therapy/body-talk and other forms of healing that access deeper layers of the subconsciousā€“we quickly unblock what has been stuck to access clarity, play, and feel more ALIVE again.

Jess is deeply passionate about assisting helping & healing professionals in moving away from scarcity and burn out, into their birthright of abundance, joy, and creativity.

Professional Mentorship is meant for mental health therapists, healthcare providers, energy healers, anyone working 1x1 with direct-client care, as we are on the front-lines and require a higher level of support.

Professional Mentorship was created for professionals who are looking for more clarity around their intuitive abilities, expanding or building their business, or simply wanting support around some limiting beliefs or patterns in their lives that are affecting their ability to show up in their service-work in the ways that they desire.








Fill in your details below to get FREE access toĀ the 3 stages of Yothera Method to become the conscious creator of your new story.