Transformation Journey

Feb 01, 2024

You do not need to regret anything that has happened.

You do not need to judge yourself or others, or wish anything was different.

You have not messed up or made a mistake.

You have been learning and growing—which is the WHOLE point of this earth school. 🌱

A life or a dream may have been lost over the past few months/year. But can you begin to see it as a necessary part of your transformation journey? What was sacrificed can now be reborn into something even more beautiful.

You are now meant to trust your INNER resources to support you and give you everything you need to build this new beginning. 💎

It’s natural to feel discomfort, be afraid, or even resist or be in denial about the changes occurring around you—especially when it directly threatens who we think we are, and our attachment to things, status, labels, or relationships.

Let this ALL fall away, into the fire 🔥 to use as your fuel—as the person you were in the past, no longer exists.

Look back just 6 months ago....who were you then? And what had transpired since then, in such a short period of time?

You’re doing so well. You’re right where you need to be—right on track, on purpose.❤️

Sometimes when we ask for a new beginning, a blessing or a gift—we have to get rid of what is in the way of receiving what we want....hold the perspective that whatever is leaving your life is making space for exactly what you’ve been asking for.🌊

Honor what you have been through, and receive your rebirth 🌎

➜ Have you listened to my interviews and talks?

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